The Introvert’s Pre-Meeting Habit

If you're a business owner who works with larger corporations, a consultant for a company, or you have a part-time or full-time job, you may find yourself in a lot of meetings. For us introverts, meetings can be a challenge. That's generally because we need time to get our thoughts in order. In this training, Joe Allen explains how you can be more effective in meetings by developing a pre-meeting habit to be more prepared.

Dr Joseph Allen, the Meeting Scientist, is a Professor of Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology at the University of Utah. He has spent over 15 years researching workplace meetings, organizational community engagement, and occupational safety and health.

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Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons


  1. Very, very basic info. Relevant maybe to someone who has never gone to a meeting before. Left out the most important item of all: Everyone should adopt Elon Musk’s philosophy of meetings:
    1.No large meetings.
    2. If you’re not adding value to a meeting, leave.
    3. No frequent meetings.

    To that list I would add:
    4. Avoid meetings like the plague!
    Psychological studies have shown that the IQ of the overall group drops by at least 15 points in a meeting!

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Karl. Sometimes the simplest ideas can be the most powerful. Hearing a new perspective can spark ideas that others haven’t considered before. I wish I had thought about doing some of these things ahead of meetings in the past. It’s easy to overlook doing the simple things. It’s great that you feel confident in this area already, but there are many that do not and creating a very simple habit can help with that.